Thursday, December 3, 2009

Big Daddy at work

We had a little excitment at the Ranch on the delivery day.
My builder had to fire up Big Daddy to pull out the tractor trailers after the unloading process.
Hopefully this video will post properly.

The building arrived yesterday!

Tuesday, December 2nd, I meet the Mueller truck drivers and let them in to deliver our building. Of course, as always since we have started this project, it rained the night before - 1.5 inches at the ranch according to the locals at Kotts cafe. (I picked up breakfast for the drivers since they slept all night in their cabs.)
It took 2 tractor trailers to get it here.

The slab will be ready for construction next week.

I did it!

Yes, I did ... Thanksgiving morning I walked 5 miles. I ran a little but I am not a runner.

I finished - I was last crossing the finish line of the 5 mile run. I averaged 15 minute miles too.