Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Three generations spending the day together.
We had lunch at Saltgrass and then a movie.
Tasha was still in China. Dan was in Holland.


Kendyl's latest purchase


RANCH UPDATE - We have walls!

Took these shots on earlier this week.
Random order.
This is the view looking into the second bedroom from the living area. Looking across the living room (standing in the master bedroom doorway) and into the second bedroom. The drywall guy was hard at work.
Master bedroom view.

standing in the middle of the Great Room looking towards the master bedroom.

The Aggie Bathroom - it will be maroon and white. WHOOP! This is off the second bedroom and is shared with the Great Room.

Standing in the kitchen looking into The Ranch Office.

The Great Room - standing in the kitchen.

The Ranch Office - looking towards the kitchen.

SLC pics

Me at the Family History Library. This place is a Genealogy Library on steriods!

Me at the Family Search reception - they had this photo op setup. All the other attendees sat on the barrel.. not me I opted for the action pic.

The concert hall at Temple Square.

The view from my hotel room. There was snow on the mountains.
We had a wide variety of weather this week. Sun, dust storm with vicious winds, snow, sleet, hail. It was quite an exciting weather week - I was glad I was just walking a half-block for meetings.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Ranch - update

I just got back from Salt Lake City where I attended the National Genealogical Society annual conference. (Watch for an additional post.)

While I was gone, Dan and Kendyl spent time at the ranch working and the sheetrockers were busy working in the house section.
I just wanted to post the latest documented occupant at The Ranch - he lives in the gully. Dan captured this picture yesterday.