Wednesday, August 18, 2010

We have Hay at The Ranch

Dan with his tractors. We just received a truck load of crushed limestone. Dan dug down about 2 feet in front of the drive up pad at the shop. The limestone was dumped in and Dan had to spread it out and pack it down. He really enjoyed using his equipment and it got him out of hanging doors inside. Although the heat index as 114 degrees... temperatures hit 102.
Our pastures were severely overgrazed last year, but with all the rain we did produce some hay. We have bahia and some coastal intermixed. We have not had time to work the pastures yet, but we contracted a company to come in to mow and bale our hay.

Looking from the lower pasture towards the shop... you can just see the roof of the shop ...

Hay bales are huge... using the Suburban to compare.

I don't have a final count but we have close to 50 bales produced - we think each bale may weigh in at around 1500 pounds or so. So the pastures did ok for the condition they were in. Now that this is done, Dan will begin working on the pastures with his new renovator.


ROADRUNNER....Coyote's after you.... ROADRUNNER...if he catches you ... you're through.

We hear coyote's howling every night at the Ranch.
I have witnessed this roadrunner running across in front of me several times - he must live in one of the neighbor's pastures because he is always on the county road.
He is very fast and I can never get my camera out quick enough to get him in full stride.
Dan and I were able to get this pictures of him at dusk on evening ... he was trying to hide from us.

On a side note, I love the ranch at night. We have the most beautiful sunsets. The stars are big and bright in our Texas sky. We will be moving the telescope up soon for some more star gazing after a hard day's work.

Better late than never... Ranch updates

This is the shop porch. Looking better and better all the time.
This past weekend we added some heavy duty pallet racks to the shop. We will be loading the excess lumber on the top this coming weekend. Getting things organized finally.

Our bedroom is painted a light beige and we have a king sized bed now. Sleeps great compared to the cots we had in July.

We hung doors on my birthday.

This is how we were sleeping in July at The Ranch. Our first weekend at the ranch was my birthday weekend - 07.17. Dan and I spent the weekend there - working on the many projects we have going on.