Dan was out brush hogging around the tank and noticed a big hole ... well a little while later look who made an appearance... we have a "diller" ( armadillo)... The tractor must have disturbed his slumber since they are mostly nocturnal creatures.
Maybe it is a Mama and we will have little "dillers" - Dan hopes not!
Dan received a game camera for Christmas -so far all we have captured on film is a cat...
hopefully, we will capture something more interesting on film in the near future.
He also received some night vision binoculars and we think we saw a skunk pass through... we did not go check that out any farther than the back porch....
another update... Tracy is getting her kitchen completed. The cabinets are being built and the new stove is ordered. Won't be long now before some real cookin' can begin. hopefully some canning as well. Dan has completed the shelving in the pantry and that is in the process of being painted.
We have been busy pulling out rusty barbed wire fence that is has been discarded in odd places and clearing fence lines. we seem to get branches down with every wind storm.
pictures will be forthcoming later as the kitchen build out progresses....
Safe Travels!