Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Barn has been ordered.

Building is officially underway at The Olds Ranch (TOR for short). "The Barn" has been designed and steel ordered. I have a full day of appointments next week at TOR to meet with the road guy, the builder, and the slab guy. We hope to break ground on the building next month. The build will go quick. The inside will take longer because Kendyl and I will be doing most of this work. (I would say Dan but he has a killer travel schedule starting in October.)
I will be posting pictures of progress when there is something to report.


The Jeanes Family said...
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Mericle Mom said...

Yea, Paige will be so excited. She was just talked about the ranch a few days ago.....

Vicki J. Dooly said...

SO exciting! Can't wait to see it. You guys are gonna have many good times in that place. :-)