Thursday, June 24, 2010

Chasing Snakes with Lawn Mowers!

Yep - it works!

Was mowing around the slab/foundation at The Ranch yesterday morning early.
Turned the corner to do the back side and a 4 foot black snake took off in front of the mower. Well, I squealed, jumped, but kept hold of the handle of the mower and took off after the snake.
All I could think about was don't go in the barn you dumb snake or we will have war.
So off I go, cutting off the snake from the open barn door and chased his ass across the pasture.
All this happened in about 2 seconds time.
So, I chase him into the tall grass below the propane tank and than start laughing.

If anyone was watching, I probably looked pretty crazy. Woman with jeans, steel-toed boots, long sleeve shirt(already 90 degrees outside) and a red floppy hat... running across the pasture pushing a yellow push mower. (My pony tail was under the hat and not flying straight out like when the moose chased me in Alaska. Another story - another time.)

For my girl scouts, picture the day at Miss Cindy's cabin at the lake and the dog pack and me with the broom.

I don't think the snake will be back...

The Barn and our Little Ole' Piss Ant Country Place is now habitable - flush toilets, electricity, and air conditioning. Posting pictures as soon as I have time to get them downloaded.

1 comment:

Vicki J. Dooly said...

OMG!!! I'm rollin' over here with laughter...awesome. :-)