Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Another ski story

I wanted to share a video with you but first I have to give you a little background. First of all, I finally won something - a Flip Mino HD from the Ellen DeGeneres show. I KNOW!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT EITHER!! I put Ellen's assistant through h-e-double-hockey-sticks proving to me this wasn't a scam. Anyway, I received my Mino in the mail and we used it on the ski trip. It is fabulous.

A funny incident happened to me while standing in the line picking up our ski tickets. I was waiting patiently in line (oh yes I was...) when I heard a couple whispering behind me. Saying - "yes those boots are called rear-entry and they don't make them anymore. " Well, I knew they were talking about my boots. Yes, they are really really old. My first pair dry-rotted and I had to finish that ski trip with them duct taped together. Kendyl found a pair on eBay and that is one of the best Christmas presents I have ever received. You see Nordica made these about 20+ years ago and they are the perfect fit for me - without too much lean on my poor old knees. I can ski standing up in them. (I don't do bumps anymore -not worth the pain later.) Dan - bless his heart - bought me some really really expensive boots but they about tore my ACL my first trip out with them - so now Tasha skis in them. Lucky her! So anyway, I have my Old School Rear-Entry Nordicas. The second topic of their conversation was about my skis - at this point I had to turn around and talk to these folks. My skis were older than they were. Yep, still ski on Old School straight skis. They are showing their age and have turned from white to yellow. I do however have new bindings - this is for safety! (I just bought new shaped skis and new bindings for next season.. we'll see if I like them - will take my Old School Roosters just in case.)

Enjoy the video and watch for my Old School equipment.

There is no editing on this video, Dan is filming - we girls are skiing.
In the video, the Olds women are in black (girls have white/ivory sleeves); the other girl snowboarding in yellow and blue is one of Tasha's friends that lives near Breckenridge.

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